Per Magnus Jørgensen
(Redirected from P.M.Jørg.)
Per Magnus Jørgensen (born 1944), Norwegian botanist and lichenologist.
- University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway.
IPNI standard form: P.M.Jørg.
Taxon names authored
(List may be incomplete)
- Austrella P.M.Jørg., 2004,
- Austrella arachnoidea P.M.Jørg., 2004
- Austrella brunnea (P.M.Jørg.) P.M.Jørg., 2004
- Degelia atlantica (Degel.) P.M.Jørg. & P.James, 1900
- Degelia calcicola P.M.Jørg. & Kantvilas, 2000
- Degelia crustacea P.M.Jørg. & D.J.Galloway, 2000
- Degelia flabellata P.M.Jørg. & P.James, 1990
- Degelia fluviatilis P.M.Jørg. & P.James, 1990
- Degelia granitica P.M.Jørg. & Kantvilas,
- Degelia lecideola (Zahlbr.) P.M.Jørg. & Sipman, 2006
- Degelia ligulata P.M.Jørg. & P.James, 1990
- Degelia neozelandica (C.W.Dodge) P.M.Jørg. & D.J.Galloway, 1992
- Degelia periptera (C.Knight) P.M.Jørg. & P.James, 1990
- Degelia plumbea (Lightf.) P.M.Jørg. & P.James, 1990
- Degelia subcincinnata (Nyl.) P.M.Jørg., 2004
- Degelia subcrustata P.M.Jørg. & Kantvilas, 2000
- Degelia symptychia (Tuck.) P.M.Jørg., 2004
- Degeliella P.M.Jørg., 2004
- Degeliella rosulata (P.M.Jørg. & D.J.Galloway) P.M.Jørg., 2004
- Degeliella versicolor (Müll. Arg.) P.M.Jørg., 2004
- Fuscoderma (D.J.Galloway & P.M.Jørg.) P.M.Jørg. & D.J.Galloway, 1989
- Fuscoderma amphibolum (C.Knight) P.M.Jørg. & D.J.Galloway, 1989
- Fuscoderma applanatum (D.J.Galloway & P.M.Jørg.) P.M.Jørg. & D.J.Galloway, 1989
- Fuscoderma limbatum P.M.Jørg. & D.J.Galloway, 1989
- Fuscoderma papuanorum P.M.Jørg. & Sipman, 2002
- Fuscoderma pyxinoides P.M.Jørg., 1999
- Fuscopannaria P.M.Jørg., 1994
- Fuscopannaria abscondita P.M.Jørg., 2002
- Fuscopannaria ahlneri (P.M.Jørg.) P.M.Jørg., 1994
- Fuscopannaria alaskana P.M.Jørg. & Tønsberg, 2000
- Fuscopannaria albomaculata P.M.Jørg., 2004
- Fuscopannaria aurita P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Fuscopannaria cheiroloba (Müll. Arg.) P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Fuscopannaria coerulescens P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Fuscopannaria confusa (P.M.Jørg.) P.M.Jørg., 1994
- Fuscopannaria convexa P.M.Jørg., 2005
- Fuscopannaria coralloidea P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Fuscopannaria crustacea P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Fuscopannaria crustata (Stirt.) P.M.Jørg., 1999
- Fuscopannaria cyanogranulata P.M.Jørg., 2007
- Fuscopannaria cyanolepra (Tuck.) P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Fuscopannaria decipiens (P.M.Jørg. & D.J.Galloway) P.M.Jørg., 1999
- Fuscopannaria dispersa P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Fuscopannaria dissecta P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Fuscopannaria granulans P.M.Jørg., 1999
- Fuscopannaria granulifera P.M.Jørg. & Upreti, 2004
- Fuscopannaria hirsuta P.M.Jørg., 2004
- Fuscopannaria ignobilis (Anzi) P.M.Jørg., 1994
- Fuscopannaria incisa (Müll. Arg.) P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Fuscopannaria laceratula (Hue) P.M.Jørg., 1994
- Fuscopannaria leprosa P.M.Jørg. & Tønsberg, 2000
- Fuscopannaria leucosticta (Tuck.) P.M.Jørg., 1994
- Fuscopannaria leucostictoides (Ohlsson) P.M.Jørg., 1994
- Fuscopannaria maritima (P.M.Jørg.) P.M.Jørg., 1994
- Fuscopannaria mediterranea (Tav.) P.M.Jørg., 1994
- Fuscopannaria minor (Darb.) P.M.Jørg., 1999
- Fuscopannaria obtegens P.M.Jørg., 2007
- Fuscopannaria olivacea (P.M.Jørg.) P.M.Jørg., 1994
- Fuscopannaria pacifica P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Fuscopannaria poeltii (P.M.Jørg.) P.M.Jørg., 1994
- Fuscopannaria praetermissa (Nyl.) P.M.Jørg., 1994
- Fuscopannaria protensa (Hue) P.M.Jørg., 1994
- Fuscopannaria pulveracea (P.M.Jørg. & Henssen) P.M.Jørg., 1994
- Fuscopannaria ramulina P.M.Jørg. & Tønsberg, 2000
- Fuscopannaria saltuensis P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Fuscopannaria sampaiana (Tav.) P.M.Jørg., 1994
- Fuscopannaria siamensis P.M.Jørg. & Wolseley, 2000
- Fuscopannaria sorediata P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Fuscopannaria subimmixta (C.Knight) P.M.Jørg., 1999
- Fuscopannaria subincisa (Zahlbr.) P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Fuscopannaria thiersii P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Fuscopannaria viridescens P.M.Jørg. & Zhurb., 2002
- Kroswia P.M.Jørg., 2002
- Kroswia crystallifera P.M.Jørg., 2002
- Kroswia gemmascens (Nyl.) P.M.Jørg., 2002
- Leioderma cherokeense P.M.Jørg. & Tønsberg, 2005
- Leioderma duplicatum (Müll. Arg.) D.J.Galloway & P.M.Jørg., 1987
- Leioderma erythrocarpum (Delise ex Nyl.) D.J.Galloway & P.M.Jørg., 1987
- Leioderma glabrum D.J.Galloway & P.M.Jørg., 1987
- Leioderma sorediatum D.J.Galloway & P.M.Jørg., 1987
- Leioderma spongiosum P.M.Jørg. & Arv., 2004
- Pannaria ahlneri P.M.Jørg., 1978 (see Fuscopannaria ahlneri)
- Pannaria andina P.M.Jørg. & Sipman, 2004
- Pannaria asahinae P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Pannaria caespitosa P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Pannaria centrifuga P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Pannaria cinerascens P.M.Jørg., 2004
- Pannaria complanata P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Pannaria confusa P.M.Jørg., 1991 (see Fuscopannaria confusa)
- Pannaria crenulata P.M.Jørg., 1983
- Pannaria decipiens P.M.Jørg. & D.J.Galloway, 1992 (see Fuscopannaria decipiens)
- Pannaria delicata P.M.Jørg. & D.J.Galloway, 1999
- Pannaria dissecta P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Pannaria elegantior P.M.Jørg., 2003
- Pannaria elixii P.M.Jørg. & D.J.Galloway, 1992
- Pannaria emodii P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Pannaria fimbriata P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Pannaria formosana P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Pannaria insularis P.M.Jørg. & Kashiw., 2001
- Pannaria leproloma (Nyl.) P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Pannaria leucophaea (Vahl) P.M.Jørg., 1978
- Pannaria lurida subsp. quercicola P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Pannaria lurida subsp. russellii P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Pannaria mangroviana P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Pannaria maritima P.M.Jørg., 1978 (see Fuscopannaria maritima)
- Pannaria microphyllizans (Nyl.) P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Pannaria multifida P.M.Jørg., 2004
- Pannaria olivacea P.M.Jørg., 1978 (see Fuscopannaria olivacea)
- Pannaria orphnina (Hue) P.M.Jørg., 2005
- Pannaria papuana (Aptroot & Diederich) P.M.Jørg. & Sipman, 2006
- Pannaria planiuscula P.M.Jørg., 2003
- Pannaria poeltii P.M.Jørg., 1978 (see Fuscopannaria poeltii)
- Pannaria pruinosa P.M.Jørg. & Timdal, 2004
- Pannaria pulveracea P.M.Jørg. & Henssen, 1978 (see Fuscopannaria pulveracea)
- Pannaria pulvinula P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Pannaria ramulosa P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Pannaria rubiginella P.M.Jørg. & Sipman, 2004
- Pannaria squamulosa P.M.Jørg., 2003
- Pannaria subfusca P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Pannaria tavaresii P.M.Jørg., 1978
- Pannaria xanthorioides P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Parmeliella adpressa P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Parmeliella aggregata P.M.Jørg. & D.J.Galloway, 1999
- Parmeliella alniphila P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Parmeliella angustiloba P.M.Jørg. & Arv., 2004
- Parmeliella appalachensis P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Parmeliella asahinae (Räsänen) P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Parmeliella brisbanensis (C.Knight) P.M.Jørg. & D.J.Galloway, 1992
- Parmeliella chilensis (Hue) P.M.Jørg., 1998
- Parmeliella cinerata (Zahlbr.) P.M.Jørg., 2003
- Parmeliella clavulifera P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Parmeliella conopleioides P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Parmeliella crassa P.M.Jørg. & D.J.Galloway, 1999
- Parmeliella dactylifera P.M.Jørg., 2003
- Parmeliella delicata P.M.Jørg. & Arv., 2004
- Parmeliella endolutea P.M.Jørg., 2007
- Parmeliella exornata (Zahlbr.) P.M.Jørg., 2003
- Parmeliella expansa P.M.Jørg. & Arv., 2004
- Parmeliella flavida P.M.Jørg., 2003
- Parmeliella furfuracea P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Parmeliella fuscata P.M.Jørg., 2003
- Parmeliella granulifera P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Parmeliella imbricatula (Müll. Arg.) P.M.Jørg., 2003
- Parmeliella incrassata P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Parmeliella isidiopannosa P.M.Jørg., 2003
- Parmeliella jamesii Ahlner & P.M.Jørg., 1978
- Parmeliella ligulata P.M.Jørg. & D.J.Galloway, 1992
- Parmeliella magellanica P.M.Jørg., 2004
- Parmeliella mariana (Fr.) P.M.Jørg. & D.J.Galloway, 1992
- Parmeliella mariana f. mariana (Fr.) P.M.Jørg. & D.J.Galloway, 1992
- Parmeliella nigrata (Müll. Arg.) P.M.Jørg. & D.J.Galloway, 1992
- Parmeliella palmatula P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Parmeliella papillata P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Parmeliella paramensis P.M.Jørg. & Arv., 2004
- Parmeliella parvula P.M.Jørg., 1977
- Parmeliella philippina (Vain.) P.M.Jørg., 2005
- Parmeliella plumosella P.M.Jørg., 2007
- Parmeliella polydactyla P.M.Jørg. & Coppins, 2007
- Parmeliella polyphyllina P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Parmeliella rakiurae P.M.Jørg. & D.J.Galloway, 2004
- Parmeliella rosettiformis (Henssen) P.M.Jørg., 2004
- Parmeliella saxicola P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Parmeliella serpentinicola P.M.Jørg. & Kashiw., 2001
- Parmeliella stylophora (Vain.) P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Parmeliella subgranulata D.J.Galloway & P.M.Jørg., 1987
- Parmeliella subtilis P.M.Jørg. & P.James, 1999
- Parmeliella testacea P.M.Jørg., 1978
- Parmeliella triptophylloides P.M.Jørg., 2003
- Parmeliella vainioi (Zahlbr.) P.M.Jørg., 2003
- Parmeliella verruculosa P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Protopannaria (Gyeln.) P.M.Jørg. & S.Ekman, 2000
- Protopannaria alcicornis P.M.Jørg. & R.S. Poulsen, 2001
- Protopannaria austro-orcadensis (Øvstedal) P.M.Jørg., 2001
- Protopannaria azorellae P.M.Jørg. & R.S. Poulsen, 2001
- Protopannaria corticola P.M.Jørg., 2007
- Protopannaria hilaris (Zahlbr.) P.M.Jørg., 2004
- Protopannaria pezizoides (Weber ex F.H.Wigg.) P.M.Jørg. & S.Ekman, 2000
- Santessoniella brunnea P.M.Jørg., 1999
- Santessoniella crossophylla (Nyl.) P.M.Jørg., 2000
- Santessoniella pulchella P.M.Jørg., 1998
- Santessoniella saximontana T.Sprib., P.M.Jørg. & M.Schultz, 2007
- Siphulastrum granulatum P.M.Jørg. & D.J.Galloway, 1992
- Siphulastrum squamosum P.M.Jørg., 1998
- Vahliella P.M.Jørg., 2008
- Vahliella adnata (P.M.Jørg. & Upreti) P.M.Jørg., 2008
- Vahliella atlantica (P.M.Jørg. & P.James) P.M.Jørg., 2008
- Vahliella californica (Tuck.) P.M.Jørg., 2008
- Vahliella globuligera (Fryday & P.M.Jørg.) P.M.Jørg., 2008
- Vahliella hookerioides (P.M.Jørg.) P.M.Jørg., 2008
- Vahliella labrata (P.M.Jørg.) P.M.Jørg., 2008
- Vahliella leucophaea (Vahl) P.M.Jørg., 2008
- Vahliella saubinetii (Mont.) P.M.Jørg., 2008
[edit](List may be incomplete)
- Jørgensen, P.M. 1973. The genus Chenopodium in Norway. Norwegian Journal of Botany 20: 303–319. Reference page.
- Henssen, A.M. & Jørgensen, P.M. 1990. New combinations and synonyms in the Lichinaceae. The Lichenologist 22(2): 137–147. RLL List # 140 / Rec.# 8287 – Recent Literature on Lichens DOI: 10.1017/S0024282990000093 Reference page.
- Jørgensen, P.M., James, P.W. & Jarvis, C.E. 1994. Linnaean lichen names and their typification. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 115(4): 261–405. DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1994.tb01784.x
. ResearchGate
. RLL (PDF) Reference page.
- Jørgensen, P.M., James, P.W. & Jarvis, C.E. 1994. (1112-1137) Proposals to reject or conserve 26 Linnaean names of lichenized ascomycetes. Taxon 43(4): 646–654. DOI: 10.2307/1223554
. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
- Jørgensen, P.M. 2000. New or interesting Parmeliella species from the Andes and Central America. The Lichenologist 32(2): 139–147. DOI: 10.1006/lich.1999.0259 Reference page.
- Jørgensen, P.M. 2004. Further contributions to the Pannariaceae (lichenized Ascomycetes) of the Southern Hemisphere. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 88: 229–253. ResearchGate
. Schweizerbart (Abstract) Reference page.
- Jørgensen, P.M. 2006. Leptochidium crenatulum, a misunderstood arctic-alpine lichen. Graphis Scripta 18(1): 19–22. RLL List # 203 / Rec.# 28812 – Recent Literature on Lichens Nordic Lichen Society Reference page.
- Wedin, M., Jørgensen, P.M. & Wiklund, E. 2007. Massalongiaceae fam. nov., an overlooked monophyletic group among the cyanobacterial lichens (Peltigerales, Lecanoromycetes, Ascomycota). The Lichenologist 39(1): 61–67. RLL List # 206 / Rec.# 29339 – Recent Literature on Lichens DOI: 10.1017/S002428290700655X Reference page.
- Jørgensen, P.M. 2007. Lichinaceae. In Ahti et al., Nordic Lichen Flora 3 (Cyanolichens): 46–76. RLL List # 211 / Rec.# 30056 – Recent Literature on Lichens Nordic Lichen Society (Contents) Reference page.
- Jørgensen, P.M. 2009. Proposal to conserve the name Lichen lichenoides (Leptogium lichenoides) against Lichen tremelloides and L. tremella (lichenized Ascomycota). Taxon 58(3): 1002–1003. RLL List # 217 / Rec.# 30978 – Recent Literature on Lichens RLL JSTOR Reference page.
- Jørgensen, P.M. & Tønsberg, T. 2010. Leptogium insigne, a new species from the Pacific Northwest of North America. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 104: 241–245. RLL List # 219 / Rec.# 31959 – Recent Literature on Lichens Schweizerbart Reference page.
- Jørgensen, P.M. & Galloway, D.J. 2011. Proposal to conserve Pseudocyphellaria, nom. cons (Lobariaceae: Ascomycota) with a conserved type. Taxon 60(6): 1769–1770. DOI: 10.1002/tax.606022 JSTOR RLL Suppl. Rec.# 907 – Recent Literature on Lichens Reference page.
- Jørgensen, P.M., Otálora, M.A.G. & Wedin, M. 2013. Proposal to conserve the name Leptogium (lichenized Ascomycota) with a conserved type. Taxon 62(6): 1333–1334. RLL List # 236 / Rec.# 35617 – Recent Literature on Lichens RLL DOI: 10.12705/626.23 Reference page.
- Hawksworth, D.L. & Jørgensen, P.M. 2013. Proposal to conserve the name Alectoria fuscescens (Bryoria fuscescens) against Lichen chalybeiformis and Alectoria subcana (Ascomycota: Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae). Taxon: The Journal of the International Association for Plant Taxonomy 62(5): 1057. DOI: 10.12705/625.25
. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
- Ekman, S., Wedin, M., Lindblom, L. & Jorgensen, P.M. 2014. Extended phylogeny and a revised generic classification of the Pannariaceae (Peltigerales, Ascomycota). The Lichenologist 46(5): 627–656. DOI: 10.1017/S002428291400019X
. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
- Jørgensen, P.M. 2014. Taxonomy and nomenclature of Collema fasciculare (L.) G. H. Weber. The Lichenologist 46(4): 594. RLL List # 240 / Rec.# 36563 – Recent Literature on Lichens DOI: 10.1017/S0024282914000140 Reference page.
- Otálora, M.A.G., Jørgensen, P.M. & Wedin, M. 2013 [2014]. A revised generic classification of the jelly lichens, Collemataceae. Fungal Diversity 64(1): 275–293. DOI: 10.1007/s13225-013-0266-1
. ResearchGate
. RLL (PDF) Reference page.
- Pérez-Vargas, I., Hernández-Padrón, C., Pérez de Paz, P.L., van den Boom, P.P.G. & Jørgensen, P.M. 2014. A new species in the lichen genus Vahliella from the Canary Islands, including a key to Vahliellaceae, Pannariaceae, and Coccocarpiaceae in Macaronesia. Phytotaxa 167(2): 183–188. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.167.2.4 Reference page.