
[edit]Taxonavigation: Homosclerophorida |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Oscarellidae
Genus: Oscarella
Species (24):
O. aurantia –
O. balibaloi –
O. bergenensis –
O. carmela –
O. carollineae –
O. cruenta –
O. filipoi –
O. imperialis –
O. kamchatkensis –
O. lobularis –
O. malakhovi –
O. membranacea –
O. microlobata –
O. minka –
O. nicolae –
O. nigraviolacea –
O. ochreacea –
O. pearsei –
O. ruthae –
O. stillans –
O. tenuis –
O. tuberculata –
O. viridis –
O. zoranja
[edit]Oscarella Vosmaer, 1884: 119 [replacement name]
- Type species: Halisarca lobularis Schmidt, 1862, by original designation and monotypy.
[edit]- Oscaria Vosmaer, 1881: 163 [preoccupied by Oscaria Gray, 1873]
- Type species: Halisarca lobularis Schmidt, 1862, by original designation and monotypy.
- Octavella Tuzet & Paris, 1963: 88 [synonymised by Boury-Esnault, De Vos, Donadey & Vacelet (1984: 13)]
- Type species: Octavella galangaui Tuzet & Paris, 1963, by monotypy.
[edit]Primary references
[edit]- Vosmaer, G.C.J. 1881. Über Leucandra aspera H. nebst allgemeinen Bemerkungen über das Canalsystem der Spongien. Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Dierkundige Vereeniging 5: 144–166, pls. III–IV. BHL
- Vosmaer, G.C.J. 1884. Porifera. pp. 65–176, pls. III, VII–XVIII In: Bronn, H.G. Die Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs. Band II. Abt. I. C.F. Winter: Leipzig & Heidelberg. BHL
- Tuzet, O. & Paris, J. 1963. Octavella galangaui n.g. n.sp. Demospongiae, Oscarellidae de Banyuls-sur-Mer. Vie et Milieu 14 (1): 71–89.
- Boury-Esnault, N., De Vos, L., Donadey, C. & Vacelet, J. 1984. Comparative study of the choanosome of Porifera: 1. The Homoscleromorpha. Journal of Morphology 180(1): 3–17. DOI: 10.1002/jmor.1051800103
Reference page.
Additional references
[edit]- Bergquist, P.R. & Kelly, M. 2004. Taxonomy of some Halisarcida and Homosclerophorida (Porifera: Demospongiae) from the Indo-Pacific. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 38(1): 51–66. DOI: 10.1080/00288330.2004.9517217
. Reference page.
- Muricy, G. & Pearse, J.S. 2004. A new species of Oscarella (Demospongiae: Plakinidae) from California. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 55(33): 598–612. BHL Reference page.
- Ereskovsky, A.V. 2006. A new species of Oscarella (Demospongiae: Plakinidae) from the Western Sea of Japan. Zootaxa 1376(1): 37–51. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.1376.1.2
Reference page.
- Ereskovsky, A.V., Sanamyan, K. & Vishnyakov, A.E. 2009. A new species of the genus Oscarella (Porifera: Homosclerophorida: Plakinidae) from the North-West Pacific. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 50(4): 369–381. DOI: 10.21411/CBM.A.91C6A28C
Reference page.
- Pérez, T., Ivanišević, J., Dubois, M., Pedel, L., Thomas, O.P., Tokina, D. & Ereskovsky, A.V. 2011. Oscarella balibaloi, a new sponge species (Homoscleromorpha: Plakinidae) from the Western Mediterranean Sea: cytological description, reproductive cycle and ecology. Marine Ecology 32(2): 174–187. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0485.2011.00435.x
. Reference page.
- Gazave, E., Lavrov, D.V., Cabrol, J., Renard, E., Rocher, C., Vacelet, J., Adamska, M., Borchiellini, C. & Ereskovsky, A.V. 2013. Systematics and Molecular Phylogeny of the Family Oscarellidae (Homoscleromorpha) with Description of Two New Oscarella Species. PLoS ONE 8(5): e63976. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0063976
Reference page.
- Ereskovsky, A.V., Richter, D.J., Lavrov, D.V., Schippers, K.J. & Nichols, S.A. 2017. Transcriptome sequencing and delimitation of sympatric Oscarella species (O. carmela and O. pearsei sp. nov) from California, USA. PLoS ONE 12(9): e0183002. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0183002
Reference page.
- Pérez, T. & Ruiz, C.A. 2018. Description of the first Caribbean Oscarellidae (Porifera: Homoscleromorpha). Zootaxa 4369(4): 501–514. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4369.4.3
Reference page.