The genus name Naegelia may refer to:
- Fungi:
- Naegelia L.Rabenhorst, 1844 (Fungi incertae sedis)
- Plantae:
- Naegelia Zoll. & Moritzi (1846), nom. illeg. = synonym of Gouania Jacq. (Rosales, Rhamnaceae)
- Naegelia Lindl. (1847), orth. var. of Nagelia Lindl. = synonym of Malacomeles (Decne.) Decne. (Rosales, Rosaceae)
- Naegelia Regel (1848), nom. illeg. = synonym of Smithiantha Kuntze (Lamiales, Gesneriaceae)
- Chromista:
- Naegelia P.F.Reinsch, 1878, nom. illeg. = synonym of Sapromyces Fritsch (Oomycota, Rhipidiaceae)