Milton S. da Costa
Milton S. da Costa, Portuguese microbiologist.
Taxon names authored
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- Santos, P., Pinhal, I., Rainey, F.A., Empadinhas, N., Costa, J., Fields, B., Benson, R., Veríssimo, A. & da Costa, M.S. 2004. Gamma-Proteobacteria Aquicella lusitana gen. nov., sp. nov., and Aquicella siphonis sp. nov. infect protozoa and require activated charcoal for growth in laboratory media. Applied and environmental Microbiology 69: 6533–6540 [1] Reference page.
- Oren, A., da Costa, M.S., Garrity, G.M., Rainey, F.A., Rossello-Mora, R., Schink, B., Sutcliffe, I., Trujillo, M.E., & Whitman, W.B. 2015. Proposal to include the rank of phylum in the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 65(11):4284–4287. DOI: 10.1099/ijsem.0.000664
Reference page.
- Whitman, W.B., Oren, A., Chuvochina, M., da Costa, M.S., Garrity, G.M., Rainey, F.A., Rosselló-Móra, R., Schink, B., Sutcliffe, I., Trujillo, M.E., & Ventura, S. 2018. Proposal of the suffix -ota to denote phyla. Addendum to 'Proposal to include the rank of phylum in the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes'. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 68(3):967-969. DOI: 10.1099/ijsem.0.002593
. Reference page.