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Megapogon villosus

From Wikispecies


Taxonavigation: Leucosoleniida 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Parazoa
Phylum: Porifera
Classis: Calcarea
Subclassis: Calcaronea
Ordo: Leucosoleniida

Familia: Achramorphidae
Genus: Megapogon
Species: Megapogon villosus



Syntypes (4): BMNH 1907.8.6.146, 1907.8.6.151, 1907.8.6.152, and 1907.8.6.153, collected by National Antarctic Expedition (HMS Discovery) between 1901-1904.

Type locality: “Winter Quarters”, Hut Point, Antarctic.



Primary references

  • Jenkin, C.F. 1908. Porifera. III.–Calcarea. pp. 1–50, pls. XXVII–XXXVIII In National Antarctic Expedition, 1901–1904. Natural History. Volume IV. Zoology. Printed by Order of the Trustees of the British Museum: London. BHL Reference page