Marius S. Wasbauer
Marius S. Wasbauer, American entomologist
- Bohart Museum of Entomology, University of California, 1124 Academic Surge, Davis, California 95616, U.S.A. Correspondence address P. O. Box 6820, Brookings, Oregon 97415, U.S.A.
Taxon names authored
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[edit]- Kimsey, L. & Wasbauer, M. 2015. Revision of the odd brachycistidine genus Acanthetropis Wasbauer, 1958 (Hymenoptera, Tiphiidae, Brachycistidinae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 44: 19–30. DOI: 10.3897/JHR.44.4691. Reference page.
[edit]- Wasbauer, M.S., Cambra, R.A. & Añino, Y.J. 2017. A new species of Priochilus Banks, 1944 (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae, Pompilinae) from Panama. Zootaxa 4247(3): 341–345. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4247.3.10. Reference page.
[edit]- Wasbauer, M.S. & Kimsey, L.S. 2019. A New Genus and Species of pompiline Spider Wasp from Northern South America (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae: Pompilinae: Priochilini). Zootaxa 4567(3): 593–597. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4567.3.12
Reference page.
[edit]- Cambra, R.A., Wasbauer, M.S. & Chang, P.E.C. 2020. A new species of spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) from Panama: Mystacagenia kimseyae sp. nov. Zootaxa 4729(1): 147–150. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4729.1.12
Reference page.