Linda E. Watson
Linda E. Watson (fl. 1990), U.S. botanist
IPNI standard form: L.E.Watson
Taxon names authored
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- Pelser, P.B., Nordenstam, B., Kadereit, J.W. & Watson, L.E. 2007. An ITS phylogeny of Tribe Senecioneae (Asteraceae) and a new delimitation of Senecio L. Taxon 56(4): 1077–1104. DOI: 10.2307/25065905 JSTOR ResearchGate Reference page.
- Oberprieler, C., Himmelreich, S., Källersjö, M., Vallès-Xirau, J., Watson, L.E. & Vogt, R. 2009. Anthemideae in Funk V.A., Susanna A., Stuessy T.F. & Bayer, R.J. (eds.): Systematics, Evolution, and Biogeography of Compositae. Vienna: International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT). ISBN 978-3-9501754-3-1. ResearchGate Reference page.
- Pelser, P.B., Kennedy, A.H., Tepe, E.J., Shidler, J.B., Nordenstam, B., Kadereit, J.W. & Watson, L.E. 2010. Patterns and causes of incongruence between plastid and nuclear Senecioneae (Asteraceae) phylogenies. American Journal of Botany 97(5): 856–873. DOI: 10.3732/ajb.0900287 Reference page.
- Pelser, P.B., Tepe, E.J., Kennedy, A.H. & Watson, L.E. 2010. The fate of Robinsonia (Asteraceae): sunk in Senecio, but still monophyletic? Phytotaxa 5: 31–46. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.5.1.2 Reference page.
- Link-Pérez, M.A., Watson, L.E. & Hickey, R.J. 2011. Redefinition of Adiantopsis Fée (Pteridaceae): Systematics, diversification, and biogeography. Taxon 60(5): 1255–1268. DOI: 10.1002/tax.605003 ResearchGate Reference page.