Kamil Coșkunçelebi
Kamil Coșkunçelebi (fl. 2000), Turkish botanist
- Professor, Department of Biology, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey.
IPNI standard form: Coșkunç.
Taxon names authored
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- Gottschlich, G., Coşkunçelebi, K. & Beyazoğlu, O. 2000. Four new species of Hieracium L. (Compositae) from NE Turkey. Willdenowia 30(2): 279–291. DOI: 10.3372/wi.30.30207
. Reference page.
- Coșkunçelebi, K. & Beyazoğlu, O. 2002. New combinations and records for Hieracium L. and Pilosella Hill (Asteraceae) in Turkey. Edinburgh Journal of Botany 59(2): 319–322. DOI: 10.1017/S0960428602000136
. Reference page.
- Terzioğlu, S., Coșkunçelebi, K. & Serdar, B. 2007. Contribution to the description of an endemic Turkish Salix species. Plant Biosystems 141(1): 82–85. DOI: 10.1080/11263500601154055 ResearchGate. Reference page.
- Coşkunçelebi, K., Makbul, S., Gültepe, M., Onat, D., Güzel, M.E. & Okur, S. 2012. A new Scorzonera (Asteraceae) species from South Anatolia, Turkey, and its taxonomic position based on molecular data. Turkish Journal of Botany 36(4): 299–310. PDF Reference page.
- Dogan, B., Duran, A., Gültepe, M., Öztürk, M. & Coșkunçelebi, K. 2014. Tragopogon anatolicus (Asteraceae), a new species from east Turkey. Phytotaxa 167(3): 235–244. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.167.3.2 Reference page.
- Terzioğlu, S., Serdar, B., Karaköse, M., Coșkunçelebi, K. & Gültepe, M. 2014. New data on Salix anatolica (Salicaceae) endemic to Turkey. Phytotaxa 167(1): 111–118. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.167.1.7
ResearchGate Reference page.
- Gültepe, M., Coşkunçelebi, K., Makbul, S. & Vladimirov, V. 2015. Chromosome counts of Tragopogon L. (Asteraceae) from Turkey. Caryologia 68(3): 193–199. DOI: 10.1080/00087114.2015.1032608 PDF Reference page.
- Gültepe, M., Coşkunçelebi, K., Makbul, S. & Sağlam, C. 2015. Tragopogon turcicus sp. nov. (Asteraceae) from Turkey and its phylogenetic position. Nordic Journal of Botany 33(5): 540–547. DOI: 10.1111/njb.00851 PDF Reference page.
- Vladimirov, V., Coşkunçelebi, K. & Tan, K. 2015. A new diploid species of Pilosella (Asteraceae) from Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 39(1): 70–75. DOI: 10.3906/bot-1401-92
. Reference page.
- Coșkunçelebi, K., Makbul, S., Gültepe, M., Okur, S. & Güzel, M.E. 2015. A conspectus of Scorzonera s.l. in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 39(1): 76–87. DOI: 10.3906/bot-1401-10 Reference page.
- Gültepe, M., Coșkunçelebi, K., Makbul, S. & Terzioğlu, S. 2016. Taxonomic notes on Tragopogon, and two newly described taxa from Anatolia. Nordic Journal of Botany 34(5): 529-537. DOI: 10.1111/njb.01133 Reference page.
- Coşkunçelebi, K., Gültepe, M. & Makbul, S. 2015. Rediscovery of Tragopogon dshimilensis (Asteraceae), endemic to Turkey. Phytotaxa 316(1): 51–58. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.316.1.4
. PDF Reference page.
- Güzel, M.E., Karimov, V., Makbul, S. & Coșkunçelebi, K. 2019. Contribution to the phylogeny of Caucasian Nonea (Boraginaceae) inferred from nrDNA ITS and trnL-F data. Phytotaxa 418(3): 258–272. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.418.3.2
Reference page.
- Gültepe, M., Makbul, S., Güzel, M.E., Türker, Z. & Coşkunçelebi, K. 2024. Tragopogon davutii-turanii: a new species of Tragopogon from Anatolia. Nordic Journal of Botany 2024: e04178. DOI: 10.1111/njb.04178 Reference page.