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Frullania tamarisci


Taxonavigation: Porellales 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Divisio: Marchantiophyta
Classis: Jungermanniopsida
Subclassis: Jungermanniidae
Ordo: Porellales

Subordo: Jubulineae
Familia: Frullaniaceae
Genus: Frullania
Species (598): F. colliculosa – F. hodgsoniae – F. knightbridgei – F. pentapleura – F. polysticta – F. toropuku – F. truncatistyla

Unresolved species: F. spinifera – F. wairua



Frullania Raddi, 1818





Primary references


Additional references

  • Asakawa, Y.; Toyota, M.; von Konrat, M.; Braggins, J.E. 2003: Volatile components of selected species of the liverwort genera Frullania and Schusterella (Frullaniaceae) from New Zealand, Australia and South America: a chemosystematic approach. Phytochemistry, 62(3): 439–452. DOI: 10.1016/S0031-9422(02)00542-3
  • Hentschel, J.; von Konrat, M.J.; Pócs, T.; Schäfer-Verwimp, A.; Shaw, A.J.; Schneider, H.; Heinrichs, J. 2009: Molecular insights into the phylogeny and subgeneric classification of Frullania Raddi (Frullaniaceae, Porellales). Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 52(1): 142–156. DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2008.12.021
  • von Konrat, M.; Braggins, J.; Asakawa, Y.; Toyota, M. 2006: Recognition of Frullania congesta: a case study to present a species concept and a synthesis of significant taxonomic characters for the large liverwort genus Frullania (Frullaniaceae). Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, (100): 553–576. ISSN: 0073-0912
  • von Konrat, M.; Braggins, J.E. 2001: Notes on five Frullania species from Australia, including typification, synonyms, and new localities. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, (91): 229–263. ISSN: 0073-0912
  • von Konrat, M.; Braggins, J.E.; Asakawa, Y.; Toyota, M. 2006: Frullania chevalieri (Jubulaceae) in New Zealand, with a reassessment of Schusterella. Bryologist, 109(2): 141–156. DOI: 10.1639/0007-2745(2006)109[141:FCJINZ]2.0.CO;2 JSTOR
  • von Konrat, M.J.; Braggins, J.E. 2001: A taxonomic assessment of the initial branching appendages in the liverwort genus Frullania Raddi. Nova hedwigia, 72: 283–310.
  • von Konrat, M.J.; Braggins, J.E. 2003: A new and unusual species of Frullania (Jubulaceae) from Tasmania, Australia. New Zealand journal of botany, 41(1): 55–62. DOI: 10.1080/0028825X.2003.9512831
  • von Konrat, M.J.; Braggins, J.E. 2005: Frullania wairua, a new and seemingly rare liverwort species from Northland, New Zealand. New Zealand journal of botany, 43(4): 885–893. DOI: 10.1080/0028825X.2005.9512998
  • von Konrat, M.; Hentschel, J.; Heinrichs, J.; Braggins, J.E.; Pócs, T. 2010: Forty-one degrees below and sixty years in the dark: Frullania sect. Inconditum, a new section of Australasian Frullania species including F. colliculosa, sp. nov., F. hodgsoniae, nom. and stat. nov., F. aterrima, and F. hattorii (Frullaniaceae, Marchantiophyta). Nova hedwigia, 91(3-4): 471–500. DOI: 10.1127/0029-5035/2010/0091-0471

Vernacular names

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