Friedrich Gottlieb Bartling
Friedrich Gottlieb Bartling (1798-12-09 – 1875-11-20), German botanist.
IPNI standard form: Bartl.
Taxon names authored
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- Bartling, F.G. & Wendland, H.L. 1824. Diosmeae descriptae et illustratae. Beiträge zur Botanik, 1. Heft. Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, Göttingen. Internet Archive. Reference page.
- Bartling, F.G. & Wendland, H.L. 1825. Descriptiones Novarum vel Minus Cognitarum. Beiträge zur Botanik, 2. Heft. Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, Göttingen. Internet Archive. Reference page.
- Bartling, F.G. 1830. Ordines Naturales Plantarum eorumque characteres et affinitates adjecta generum enumeratione. [I]–V, [1]–498 pp. Gottingae. Biblioteca Digital. Reference page.