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Taxonavigation: Desulfobales 

Superregnum: Bacteria
Phylum: Desulfobacterota
Classis: Desulfobulbia
Ordo: Desulfobales

Familia: Desulfobulbaceae
Genus: Electrothrix
Species: E. aestuarii – E. arhusiensis – E. communis (Ts) – E. gigas – E. laxa – E. rattekaaiensis



Electrothrix Plum-Jensen et al., 2024



Primary references

  • Plum-Jensen, Schramm, Marshall. 2024: First single-strain enrichments of Electrothrix cable bacteria, description of E. aestuarii sp. nov. and E. rattekaaiensis sp. nov., and proposal of a cable bacteria taxonomy following the rules of the SeqCode. Systematic and Applied Microbiology. DOI: 10.1016/j.syapm.2024.126487
  • Trojan, Schreiber, Bjerg, Bøggild, Yang, Kjeldsen, Schramm. 2016: A taxonomic framework for cable bacteria and proposal of the candidate genera Electrothrix and Electronema. Systematic and Applied Microbiology. DOI: 10.1016/j.syapm.2016.05.006