Edmond R. Cox
Edmond R. Cox (born 1932), phycologist.
IPNI standard form: Ed.R.Cox
Taxon names authored
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- Cox, E.R. & Deason, T.R. 1968. Axilosphaera and Heterotetracystis, new chlorosphaeracean genera from Tennessee soil. Journal of Phycology 4(3): 240–249, 29 figs. DOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.1968.tb04721.x Reference page.
- Cox, E.R. & Deason, T.R. 1969. Heterochlamydomonas, a new alga from Tennessee. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 44: 105–107. Reference page.
- Cox, E.R. 1971. A new Muriellopsis species (Chlorophyceae) from Tennessee soil. Phycologia 10(1): 7–10. DOI: 10.2216/i0031-8884-10-1-7.1 Reference page.
- Deason, T.R. & Cox, E.R. 1971. The genera Spongiococcum and Neospongiococcum. II. Species of Neospongiococcum with labile walls. Phycologia 10: 255–262. DOI: 10.2216/i0031-8884-10-2-255.1 Reference page.
- Langford, M.F. & Cox, E.R. 1971. Additions to the genus Heterochlamydomonas (Chlorophycophyta). Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 46(2): 66–71. PDF Reference page.