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Cumulopuntia berteroi

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Cumulopuntia berteroi (syn. C. sphaerica)


Taxonavigation: Caryophyllales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Ordo: Caryophyllales

Familia: Cactaceae
Subfamilia: Opuntioideae
Tribus: Tephrocacteae
Genus: Cumulopuntia
Species: Cumulopuntia berteroi



Cumulopuntia berteroi (Colla) F.Ritter, Kakteen Südamerika 3: 885 (1980)


  • Basionym
    • Cactus berteroi Colla, Mem. Reale Accad. Sci. Torino 37: 77, t. 17 f. 2. (1834), as berteri.
  • Homotypic
    • Echinocactus berteroi (Colla) Gay, Fl. Chil. 3: 15 (1847), as "Berterii"
    • Opuntia berteroi (Colla) A.E.Hoffm., Cact. Fl. Silvestre Chile 244. 1989.
  • Heterotypic
    • Cumulopuntia crassicylindrica (Rauh & Backeb.) F.Ritter ex ex Eggli, Novon 15(2): 277. 2005.
    • Cumulopuntia kuehnrichiana (Werderm. & Backeb.) F.Ritter, Kakteen Südamerika 4: 1253 1981, comb. inval.
    • Cumulopuntia leucophaea (Phil.) Hoxey, Tephrocactus Study Group 15(4): 57. 2009.
    • Cumulopuntia multiareolata (F.Ritter) F.Ritter, Kakteen in Südamerika 4: 1252 1981.
    • Cumulopuntia rauppiana (K.Schum.) F.Ritter, Kakteen Südamerika 4: 1252. 1981.
    • Cumulopuntia tumida F.Ritter, Kakteen in Südamerika 4: 1254. 1981.
    • Cumulopuntia unguispina (Backeb.) F.Ritter, Kakteen Südamerika 4: 1251. 1981, comb. inval.
    • Opuntia campestris Britton & Rose, Cactaceae 1: 99. 1919.
    • Opuntia crassicylindrica (Rauh & Backeb.) G.D.Rowley, Natl. Cact. Succ. J. 13: 5. 1958.
    • Opuntia dimorpha C.F.Först., Hamb. Gartens. 17: 167. 1861.
    • Opuntia dimorpha var. pseudorauppiana (Backeb.) G.D.Rowley, Natl. Cact. Succ. J. 13: 25. 1958.
    • Opuntia kuehnrichiana Werderm. & Backeb., Neue Kakteen 48, 64, fig. 1931.
    • Opuntia kuehnrichiana var. applanata Werderm. & Backeb., Neue Kakteen 64. 1931.
    • Opuntia leucophaea Phil., Anales Mus. Nac., Santiago de Chile 1891: 27. 1891.
    • Opuntia mira (Rauh & Backeb.) G.D.Rowley, Natl. Cact. Succ. J. 13: 6. 1958.
    • Opuntia muelleriana Backeb.) G.D.Rowley, Natl. Cact. Succ. J. 13: 6. 1958.
    • Opuntia rauppiana K.Schum., Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 9: 118. 1899.
    • Opuntia sphaerica C.F.Först., Hamburger Garten- Blumenzeitung 17: 167 (1861)
      • Tephrocactus sphaericus (C.F.Först.) Backeb., Kaktus-ABC [Backeb. & Knuth]: 111 (1936)
      • Cumulopuntia sphaerica (C.F.Först.) E.F.Anderson, Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles) 71(6): 324 (1999)
        • Note: POWO (2024) treats this name (with its homotypic synonyms) as separated taxon.
      • Austrocylindropuntia sphaerica (C.F.Först.) G.D.Rowley, Tephrocactus Study Group 12(3): 42 (2006)
      • Sphaeropuntia sphaerica (C.F.Först.) Guiggi, Cactology 3(Suppl. II): 1 (2012)
    • Opuntia sphaerica var. rauppiana (K.Schum.) G.D.Rowley, Natl. Cact. Succ. J. 13: 25. 1958.
    • Opuntia sphaerica var. unguispina (Backeb.) G.D.Rowley, Natl. Cact. Succ. J. 13: 25. 1958.
    • Opuntia tumida (F.Ritter) D.R.Hunt, Cactaceae Consensus Init. 4: 6. 1997.
    • Cumulopuntia tubercularis F.Ritter, Kakteen Südamerika 3: 888. 1980.
    • Cumulopuntia tubercularis var. transiens F.Ritter, Kakteen Südamerika 3: 888. 1980.
    • Opuntia unguispina Backeb., Blätt. Kakteenf. 1937(7): [7] genus 10, sp. 7 (fig.). 1937.
    • Sphaeropuntia sphaerica subsp. leucophaea (Phil.) Guiggi, Cactology 3(Suppl. II): 1. 2012.
    • Tephrocactus campestris (Britton & Rose) Backeb. in Backeb. & F.M.Knuth, Kaktus-ABC 111. 1936.
    • Tephrocactus crassicylindricus Rauh & Backeb. in Backeb., Descr. Cact. Nov. 8. 1957.
    • Tephrocactus dimorphus (C.F.Först.) Backeb., Stachlige Wildnis 190. 1942.
    • Tephrocactus dimorphus var. pseudorauppianus (Backeb.) Backeb., Cactaceae (Backeberg) 1: 301. 1958.
    • Tephrocactus kuehnrichianus (Werderm. & Backeb.) Backeb. in Backeb. & F.M.Knuth, Kaktus-ABC 110. 1936.
    • Tephrocactus kuehnrichianus var. applanatus (Werderm. & Backeb.) Backeb. in Backeb. & F.M.Knuth, Kaktus-ABC 111. 1936.
    • Tephrocactus multiareolatus F.Ritter, Taxon 13: 144. 1964.
    • Tephrocactus pseudorauppianus Backeb. in Backeb. & F.M.Knuth, Kaktus-ABC 112. 1936.
    • Tephrocactus mirus Rauh & Backeb. in Backeb., Descr. Cact. Nov. 8. 1957.
    • Tephrocactus muellerianus Backeb., Descr. Cact. Nov. 8. 1957.
    • Tephrocactus rauppianus (K.Schum.) Backeb. in Backeb. & F.M.Knuth, Kaktus-ABC 109. 1936.
    • Tephrocactus sphaericus var. glaucinus Backeb., Descr. Cact. Nov. 3: 15. 1963, as glancinus.
    • Tephrocactus sphaericus var. rauppianus (K.Schum.) Backeb., Cactaceae 1: 298. 1958.
    • Tephrocactus sphaericus var. unguispinus (Backeb.) Backeb., Cactaceae 1: 297. 1958.
    • Tephrocactus unguispinus Backeb., Blätt. Kakteenf. 1937(7): [7] genus 10, sp. 7. 1937.


  • Cactus berteroi Colla (1834) is the oldest name at generic level, and must be used in favour of the most commonly cited basionym, Opuntia sphaerica C.F.Först. (1861).
  • Hoxey (2009) argue that dwarf populations are distinct and recognize them at specific rank as Cumulopuntia leucophaea (Phil.) Hoxey.
  • Korotkova, POWO & Hassler (2024) all place Cumulopuntia berteroi under Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) Katt..



Additional references
