Charles Robert Darwin
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Charles Robert Darwin (February 12, 1809 – April 19, 1882), English naturalist and the author of On The Origin of Species.
Taxon names authored
(List may be incomplete)
- 81 taxon names authored by Charles Robert Darwin
- Darwin described 81 species (EOL).
(List may be incomplete)
[edit](List may be incomplete)
[edit]- Darwin, C. 1851. A monograph on the fossil Lepadidæ, or, Pedunculated Cirripedes of Great Britain. Paleontographical Society, London. 88 pp. BHL Reference page.
[edit]- Darwin, C. 1852. A monograph on the sub-class Cirripedia with figures of all species. Vol. 1 The Lepadidae or Pedunculated Cirrepedes. Ray Society. BHL Reference page.
[edit]- Darwin, C. 1854. A monograph on the sub-class Cirripedia with figures of all species. Vol. 2: The Balanidae, The Verrucidae. BHL London: Ray Society. Reference page.
Further reading
[edit]- Gould, J. 1839. Part 3 Birds. In: The Zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, under the command of Captain Fitzroy, R.N., during the years 1832-1836. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. Smith, Elder & Co. London. 1841. 156 pp., 50 tt. DOI: 10.5962/bhl.title.14216 BHL Reference page.