Rhodochorton purpureum
(Redirected from Byssus purpurea Lightfoot)

[edit]Taxonavigation: Acrochaetiales |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Acrochaetiaceae
Genus: Rhodochorton
Species: Rhodochorton purpureum
[edit]Rhodochorton purpureum (Lightfoot) Rosenvinge, 1900
[edit]- Basionym
- Byssus purpurea Lightfoot, 1777
- Type locality: ‘Upon the base of the Abbott MacKinnon’s tomb in the ruined Abbey at Y-Columb-Kill’ Type: Probably destroyed. Notes: The Abbott MacKinnon’s tomb has now been enclosed and no trace of the original population remains (fide David Fewer).
- Byssus purpurea Lightfoot, 1777
- Homotypic
- Conferva purpurea (Lightfoot) Dillwyn, 1804
- Trentepohlia purpurea (Lightfoot) C.Agardh, 1824
- Callithamnion purpureum (Lightfoot) Harvey, 1841
- Callithamnion rothii var. purpureum (Lightfoot) Harvey, 1849
- Audouinella purpurea (Lightfoot) Woelkerling, 1973
- Byssus rubra Hudson, 1778, nom. illeg. (superfluous name for Byssus purpureus Lightfoot)
- Heterotypic
- Conferva violacea Roth, 1797
- Conferva rothii Turton, 1806
- Callithamnion rothii (Turton) Lyngbye, 1819
- Ceramium rothii (Turton) W.J.Hooker, 1821
- Ceramium repens var. saxitale Bonnemaison, 1828
- Trentepohlia rothii (Turton) Harvey, 1836
- Rhodochorton rothii (Turton) Nägeli, 1862
- Thamnidium rothii (Turton) Thuret, 1863
- Thamnidium intermedium Kjellman, 1875
- Rhodochorton intermedium (Kjellman) Kjellman, 1883
- Rhodochorton rothii f. globosum Kjellman, 1883
- Rhodochorton rothii var. typicum Kjellman, 1883, nom. inval.
- Rhodochorton rothii f. typicum Kjellman, 1883, nom. inval.
- Rhodochorton purpureum f. typicum Kjellman, 1883, nom. inval.
- Callithamnion crustatum Schousboe, 1892
- Callithamnion laterale Schousboe, 1892
- Callithamnion paniculatum Schousboe, 1892
- Conferva erythraea Schousboe, 1892
- Rhodochorton parasiticum Batters, 1896
- Rhodochorton islandicum Rosenvinge, 1900
- Rhodochorton tenue Kylin, 1925
- Rhodochorton bisporiferum Baardseth, 1941
- Rhodochorton purpureum f. rothi (Turton) Lund, 1959
- Rhodochorton purpureum f. intermedium (Kjellman) Lund, 1959
- Audouinella purpurea f. typica P.S.Dixon & L.Irvine, 1977, nom. inval.
- Audouinella islandica (Rosenvinge) G.R.South & Tittley, 1986
[edit]- Rosenvinge, L.K. 1900. Note sur une Floridée aérienne (Rhodochorton islandicum nov. sp.). Botanisk Tidsskrift 23(1): 61–81.: 75
- Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2017. Rhodochorton purpureum. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. Accessed 23 August 2017.