Alternanthera sessilis
(Redirected from Bucholzia polygonoides)

[edit]Taxonavigation: Caryophyllales |
Classification System: APG IV
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Amaranthaceae s.l.
Cladus: Amaranthaceae s.str.
Subfamilia: Gomphrenoideae
Genus: Alternanthera
Species: Alternanthera sessilis
[edit]Alternanthera sessilis (L.) DC., Cat. Pl. Horti Monsp. 77. (1813)
[edit]- Basionym
- Gomphrena sessilis L., Sp. Pl. 1: 225. (1753)
- Type locality: "Habitat in India".
- Lectotype (designated by Mears 1980, Taxon 29: 89.): Sri Lanka. Herb. Hermann 2: 9, No. 116. BM BM000621528 (Position on page: centre; On same page as BM000621524, BM000621525, BM000621526, BM000621527, BM000621529, BM000621530 and BM000621531).
- Gomphrena sessilis L., Sp. Pl. 1: 225. (1753)
- Homotypic
- Achyranthes sessilis (L.) Besser, Cat. Jard. Bot. Krzemieniec 12. (1810)
- Achyranthes sessilis (L.) Desf. ex Steud., Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 2. 1: 16. (1840)
- Alternanthera sessilis R.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. 417 (1810), nom. inval.
- Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg. (ed. 15 bis) 5: 554. (1819), isonym
- Illecebrum sessile (L.) L., Sp. Pl., ed. 2. 1: 300. (1762)
- Paronychia sessilis (L.) Desf., Tabl. École Bot., ed. 2. 45. (1815)
- Achyranthes ficoidea var. sessilis (L.) Pers., Syn. Pl. 1: 259. (1805)
- Heterotypic (ref. Govaerts 2019, Hassler 2019)
- Achyranthes triandra Roxb., Hort. Bengal.: 19 (1814), Fl. Ind. (Carey & Wallich ed.) 2: 505; Fl. Ind. (Roxburgh) i. 678 (1832) (1824).
- Lectotype (designated by Turner 2013: 153.): [Icon] Rheede, Hort. Malab. 10: t. 11. 1690
- Achyranthes villosa Blanco, Fl. Filip. [F.M. Blanco] 189 (1837), nom. illeg. (later homonym of Achyranthes villosa Forssk., 1775).
- Alternanthera prostrata D.Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 76 (1825).
- Alternanthera sibirica (Vent. ex Schult.) Steud., Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 2. 1: 65 (1840).
- Illecebrum denticulatum (R.Br.) Spreng., Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 1: 820 (1824).
- Illecebrum indicum Houtt., Nat. Hist. II. vii. 713, t. 43, fig. 3 (1777); Christm. Pflanzensyst. v. 731, t. 43, fig. 3 (1779); fide Merrill in Journ. Arn. Arb. 1938, xix. 336, in syn.
- Illecebrum sibiricum Vent. ex Schult., Syst. Veg., ed. 15 bis [Roemer & Schultes] 5: 516 (1819).
- Illecebrum triandrum Buch.-Ham. ex Moq., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 13(2): 360 (1849), nom. inval. in syn.
- Paronychia dubia hort. ex Moq., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 13(2): 361 (1849), nom. inval. in syn.
- Paronychia tetragona Moench, Methodus (Moench) 315 (1794).
- Steiremis sessilifolia Raf., Fl. Tellur. 3: 41 (1837).
- Achyranthes triandra Roxb., Hort. Bengal.: 19 (1814), Fl. Ind. (Carey & Wallich ed.) 2: 505; Fl. Ind. (Roxburgh) i. 678 (1832) (1824).
- (+ ref. Hassler 2019)
- Achyranthes nodiflora (Willd.) Roxb., Fl. Ind., ed. Carey & Wall. ii. 505 (1824); Fl. Ind., ed. Carey, i. 678 (1832).
- Allaganthera forskohlei Mart., Hort. Erlang. 69 (1814).
- Alternanthera achyranthes Forssk., Fl. Aegypt.-Arab. lix, 28. (1775)., as "achyranth."
- Alternanthera denticulata Wall., Numer. List [Wallich] n. 6922 (1832), nom. illeg. (later homonym of Alternanthera denticulata R.Br. 1810).
- Alternanthera dubia hort. Paris. ex Moq.,Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 13(2): 361 (1849), nom. inval. (homonym of Alternanthera dubia Kunth, 1818).
- Alternanthera ficoidea var. amoena (Lem.) L.B.Sm. & Downs, Fl. Ilustr. Catarin. [Amara]: 62. (1972) [synonymized with Alternanthera bettzickiana by Govaerts 2019]
- Alternanthera ficoides Rchb. ex Moq., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 13(2): 357 (1849), nom. inval. in syn.
- Alternanthera nodiflora R.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. 417 (1810). [accepted species by Govaerts 2019]
- Alternanthera sennii Mattei, Boll. Ort. Bot. Palermo ix. 21 (1910).
- Alternanthera sessilis var. amoena Lem., Ill. Hort. 12: t. 447. (1865) [synonymized with Alternanthera bettzickiana by Govaerts 2019]
- Alternanthera sessilis var. nodiflora (R.Br.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 540. (1891)
- Alternanthera triandra Lam., Encycl. [J. Lamarck & al.] 1(1): 95 (1783), nom. illeg. superfl. (for Alternanthera achyranth.)
- Telanthera polygonoides Seem., Bot. Voy. Herald [Seemann] 10: 407 (1857). (later homonym of Telanthera polygonoides Moq. (1849).
- (+ Synonyms for Alternanthera polygonoides, as basionym is nom. rej. 2018)
- Alternanthera polygonoides R.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. 417 (1810), nom. inval.
- Alternanthera polygonoides (L.) R.Br. ex Sweet, Hort. Suburb. Lond. 48 (1818), nom. rej.
- Achyranthes polygonoides (L.) Lam., Encycl. [J. Lamarck & al.] 1(2): 547 (1785), nom. illeg. (later homonym of Achyranthes polygonoides Retz., 1781)
- Bucholzia polygonoides (L.) Mart., Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. (Martius) 2(1): 51 (1826).
- Gomphrena polygonoides L., Sp. Pl. 1: 225 (1753), nom. rej.
- Illecebrum polygonoides (L.) L., Sp. Pl., ed. 2. 1: 300 (1762).
- Telanthera polygonoides (L.) Moq., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 13(2): 363 (1849).
- Alternanthera virgata Spreng. ex Moq., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 13(2): 364 (1849), nom. inval. in syn.
- Celosia nodiflora Salzm. ex Moq., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 13(2): 364 (1849), nom. inval. in syn.
- Gomphrena brasiliensis hort. Aven. ex Moq., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 13(2): 364 (1849), nom. inval. in syn.
[edit]- Alternanthera sessilis Lem., (1865), nom. illeg.
[edit]Native distribution areas: |
Tropics and subtropics worldwide, widespread References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition |
[edit]Primary references
[edit]- de Candolle, A.P. 1813. Catalogus plantarum Horti Botanici Monspeliensis. Monspelii: J. Martel. Parisiis et Argentorati: A. Koenig. Bibliotheca Digital Reference page. : 77
- Linnaeus, C. 1753. Species Plantarum. Tomus I: 225. Reference page.
- Mears, J.A. 1980. The Linnaean Species of Gomphrena L. (Amaranthaceae). Taxon 29(1): 85–95. DOI: 10.2307/1219601
. Reference page. : 89
Additional references
[edit]- 'eFloras 2008. Alternanthera sessilis in Flora of China. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA.
- Iamonico, D. & Sánchez-del Pino, I. 2016. Taxonomic revision of the genus Alternanthera (Amaranthaceae) in Italy. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology 150(2): 333–342. DOI: 10.1080/11263504.2015.1019588 PDF Reference page.
[edit]- Govaerts, R. et al. 2019. Alternanthera sessilis in Kew Science Plants of the World Online. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published online. Accessed: 2019 Oct. 22. Reference page.
- Hassler, M. 2019. Alternanthera sessilis. World Plants: Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World In: Roskovh, Y., Abucay, L., Orrell, T., Nicolson, D., Bailly, N., Kirk, P., Bourgoin, T., DeWalt, R.E., Decock, W., De Wever, A., Nieukerken, E. van, Zarucchi, J. & Penev, L., eds. 2019. Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life. Published online. Accessed: 2019 Oct. 22. Reference page.
- International Plant Names Index. 2019. Alternanthera sessilis. Published online. Accessed: Oct. 22 2019. Reference page.
- 2019. Alternanthera sessilis. Missouri Botanical Garden. Published online. Accessed: 22 Oct. 2019.
- USDA, ARS, Germplasm Resources Information Network. Alternanthera sessilis in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service.
Vernacular names
[edit]English: Sessile Joyweed, Dwarf Copperleaf