Neolamarckia cadamba

[edit]Taxonavigation: Gentianales |
Classification System: APG IV
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Rubiaceae
Subfamilia: Cinchonoideae
Tribus: Naucleeae
Genus: Neolamarckia
Species: Neolamarckia cadamba
[edit]Neolamarckia cadamba (Roxb.) Bosser, Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat., B, Adansonia Sér. 4, 6(3): 247 (1984 publ. 1985)
[edit]- Basionym
- Homotypic
- Heterotypic
- Anthocephalus morindifolius Korth., Obs. Naucl. Ind.: 20 (1839); Verh. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Bezitt., Bot.: 154, t. 48 (1842); as Anthocephalus morindaefolius; not accepted by Ridsdale (1978: 334) [cited as Anthocephalus chinensis], Bosser (1985: 247) and Govaerts (1995, 2003) [cited as Neolamarckia cadamba]
- Anthocephalus indicus var. mollis Koord. & Valeton, Bijdr. Boomsoort. Java 8 (Meded. Lands Plantentuin 59): 10 (1902)
- Type: S.H. Koorders 6592 (syntype: BO, L [cf. L.2900517]), Koorders 6595 (syntype: not seen by Ridsdale 1978: 334), Koorders 6729 (syntype: not seen by Ridsdale 1978: 334) and S.H. Koorders 22699 (syntype: not seen by Ridsdale 1978: 334; cf. L {0912535, 0912566} [wood samples]).
- Type locality: [INDONESIA.] Java:
- Anthocephalus indicus var. macrophyllus Pierre ex Pit., Fl. Indo-Chine [P.H. Lecomte et al.] 3: 33 (1922); as 'macrophylla'
- Type: Poilane s.n. (syntypus), Thorel s.n. (syntypus), Talmy s.n. (syntypus), Thorel s.n. (syntypus), Germain, F.J. Harmand s.n. (syntypus; cf. P00333169(GBIF), under number '3160', collected in September 1876, determined as Neolamarckia (or Anthocephalus) cadamba by R.C. Bakhuizen van den Brink [in 1964], M. Bosser [in 1984] and Sylvain G. Razafimandimbison [in 200X]), Pierre s.n. (syntypus), Chevalier, Poilane s.n. (syntypus) et Chevalier s.n. (syntypus).
- Type locality:
- Poilane: [VIETNAM.] Annam: Dac-kiet, province de Thanh-hoa.
- Thorel: Cambodge[CAMBODIA]. Compong-luong.
- Talmy: Cambodge[CAMBODIA]. Pnom-Penh.
- Thorel: Cochinchine.
- Germain, Harmand: Cochinchine: Poulo-Condor.
- Pierre: Cochinchine[VIETNAM]. Gia-lao-mé, province de Bienhoa.
- Chevalier, Poilane: Cochinchine: Giaray.
- Chevalier: Tay-ninh.
- Nauclea megaphylla S.Moore, J. Bot. 62(Suppl.): 47 (1924)
- Type: H.O. Forbes s.n. ([1881–1882]; holotype: BM {BM000884752(JSTOR), BM000884753(JSTOR)}).
- Type locality: [INDONESIA.] Sumatra.
- Neonauclea megaphylla (S.Moore) S.Moore, J. Bot. 64(Suppl. 1): 146 (1926); not accepted by Ridsdale (1989: 256) [cited as Anthocephalus cadamba]
- Anthocephalus indicus var. glabrescens H.L.Li, J. Arnold. Arbor. 25: 318 (1944); not accepted by Ridsdale (1978: 334) [cited as Anthocephalus chinensis], Chen & Taylor (2011) [cited as Neolamarckia cadamba]
- Type: C.W. Wang 78648 (September 1936; Holotype: A 00061055(JSTOR); Isotypes: IBSC 0472878 (105332), PE 00030914 (65774); cf. HIB 0012032, KUN 313652, NAS [NAS00247272 (190367), without type indication], NKU [NK 010513]).
- Type locality: [CHINA.] Yunnan: Che-li District, in mixed forests, alt. 1000 m.
[edit]To this species, names such as Anthocephalus indicus A.Rich., Mém. Fam. Rubiac.: 158 (1830) et Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris 5: 237 (1834) or A. chinensis (Lam.) A.Rich. ex Walp., Repert. Bot. Syst. 2: 491 (1843) had been applied historically, but Bosser (1985) considered these names belong to Breonia chinensis (Lam.) Capuron, a Madagascan species whose basionym is Cephalanthus chinensis Lam., Encycl. 1(2): 678 (1785).
Misapplied names
[edit]- Cephalanthus orientalis L., Sp. Pl. 1: 95 (1753), pro parte
- Note: according to Rumphius (1743: 37), Trimen (1894: 292), Bakhuizen van den Brink (1970: 473) and Nicolson, Suresh & Manilal (1988: 338), the pre-Linnaean name 'Katou Tsjaca' mentioned by Rheede in Hortus Malabaricus 3: 29, t. 33 (1682) and cited by Linnaeus (1753) stands for this species and Bosser (1984) even treats t. 33 as type, but there still exist other candidates; see Ridsdale (1976: 184–185).
[edit]Native distribution areas: |
References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition |
[edit]Primary references
[edit]- Roxburgh, W. (†) 1824. Flora Indica; or Descriptions of Indian Plants. [Edited by Carey, W.] Vol. 2. 588 pp. Serampore. BHL Reference page.
- Bosser, J. 1984. Sur le type du Cephalanthus chinensis Lam.: Neolamarckia, nouveau nom pour Anthocephalus auct. non A. Rich. (Rubiaceae). Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 4e série, Section B, Adansonia, Botanique, Phytochimie 6(3): 243–248. BHL Reference page.
Additional references
[edit]- Rumphius, G.E. (†) 1743. Herbarium Amboinense, Plurimas conplectens Arbores, Frutices, Herbas, Plantas terrestres & aquaticas, Quae in Amboina, et adjacentibus reperiuntur insulis, Adcuratissime descriptas juxta earum formas, cum diversis denominationibus cultura, usu, ac virtutibus. Quod & insuper exhibet varia insectorum animaliumque genera, Plurima cum naturalibus eorum figuris depicta. Pars Tertia[Vol. 3]. BHL Reference page.
- Linnaeus, C. 1753. Species Plantarum. Tomus I: 95. Reference page.
- Lamarck, J.-B. 1783–1785. Encyclopédie méthodique. Botanique. Tome 1. XLIV+752 pp. Panckoucke, Paris; Plomteux, Liége. BHL Reference page.
- Roxburgh, W. 1814. Hortus Bengalensis, or a Catalogue of the Plants Growing in the Hounourable East India Company's Botanical Garden at Calcutta. Serampore. BHL Reference page.
- Korthals, P.G. 1839. Observationes de Naucleis indicis. Bonnae: Typis Caroli Georgii. Google Books. Reference page.
- Korthals, P.W. 1842. Verhandelingen over de natuurlijke geschiedenis der Nederlandsche overzeesche bezittingen door de Leden der Natuurkundinge commissie in Indië en andere Schrijvers. Vol. 2 [Botanie, 1839–1842]: [i]–[iv], 1–259, pls. 1–70. Leiden. BHL Reference page.
- Walpers, G.G. 1843. Repertorium Botanices Systematicae. Tomus II. 1029 pp. Sumtibus Friderici Hofmeister, Lipsiae [Leipzig]. BHL Reference page.
- Miquel, F.A.W. 1856–1859. Flora van Nederlandsch Indie. vol. 2 No. IX + 1103 pp. C. G. van der Post, Amsterdam BHL. Reference page.
- Kuntze, O. 1891. Revisio generum plantarum vascularium omnium atque cellularium multarum secundum leges nomenclaturae internationales cum enumeratione plantarum exoticarum in itinere mundi collectarum. Pars I. Pp. I–CLV, 1–374. Arthur Felix, Leipzig [etc.] BHL Reference page.
- Trimen, H. 1894. A hand-book to the flora of Ceylon containing descriptions of all the species of flowering plants indigenous to the island, and notes on their history, distribution, and uses. Part II. Connaraceae–Rubiaceae. Dulau & Co., London. BHL Reference page.
- Koorders, S.H. & Valeton, T. 1902. Bijdrage N°. 8 tot de Kennis der Boomsoorten op Java. Mededeelingen uit 's Lands Plantentuin 59. Batavia: G. Kolff & Co. BHL Reference page.
- Pitard, J. 1922–1933. Rubiacées. Pp. 20–442. In: Lecomte, H., Humbert, H. & Gagnepain, F. (eds.), Flore générale de l'Indo-Chine. Tome troisième: Caprifoliacées à Apocynacées. Paris: Masson et Cie. BHL Reference page.
- Moore, S. 1924. Gamopetalæ. In: Dr. H. O. Forbe's Malayan plants. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign 64(Suppl.): 46–48. PDF Reference page.
- Li, H.-L. 1944. New or Noteworthy Plants from Southwestern China. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 25(3): 299–318. BHL Reference page.
- Bakhuizen van den Brink Jr, R.C. 1970. Nomenclature and typification of the genera of Rubiaceae-Naucleeae and a proposal to conserve the generic name Nauclea L. Taxon 19(3): 468–480. DOI: 10.2307/1219086
(via Wikipedia Library
. Reference page.
- Ridsdale, C.E. 1976. A revision of the tribe Cephalantheae (Rubiaceae). Blumea 23(1): 177–188. PDF. Reference page.
- Ridsdale, C.E. 1978. A revision of the tribe Naucleeae s.s. (Rubiaceae). Blumea 24(2): 307–366. PDF Reference page.
- Nicolson, D.H., Suresh, C.R. & Manilal, K.S. 1988. An interpretation of Van Rheede's Hortus Malabaricus. Regnum Vegetabile 119: 1–378. Google Books. Reference page.
- Smith, A.C. 1988. Flora Vitiensis Nova: A New Flora of Fiji (Spermatophytes Only). Vol. 4. Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden, Lawai, Kauai, Hawaii. BHL Reference page.
- Ridsdale, C.E. 1989. A revision of Neonauclea (Rubiaceae). Blumea 34(1): 177–275. PDF. Reference page.
- Govaerts, R.H.A. 1995. World Checklist of Seed Plants 1(1, 2). 483, 529 pp. MIM, Deurne. ISBN 90-341-0852-X (issue 1) ISBN 90-341-0853-8 (issue 2). Reference page.
- Govaerts, R.H.A. 2003. World Checklist of Selected Plant Families Database in ACCESS: 1-216203. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. [unavailable for the public] Reference page.
- Chen Tao & Taylor, C.M. 2011. Neolamarckia cadamba. Pp. 249, 255 in Wu, Zh.Y. , Raven, P.H. & Hong, D.-Y. (eds.), Flora of China. Volume 19: Cucurbitaceae through Valerianaceae, with Annonaceae and Berberidaceae. Science Press, Beijing & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, ISBN 978-1-935641-04-9. efloras PDFReference page.
[edit]- USDA, NRCS. 2006. The PLANTS Database, 6 March 2006 (
- Govaerts, R. et al. 2022. Neolamarckia cadamba in Kew Science Plants of the World Online. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published online. Accessed: 2022 February 9. Reference page.
- Govaerts, R. et al. 2022. Neolamarckia cadamba in Kew Science Plants of the World Online. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published online. Accessed: 2022 April 21. Reference page.
- International Plant Names Index. 2022. Neolamarckia cadamba. Published online. Accessed: 9 February 2022. Reference page.
- 2022. Neolamarckia cadamba. Missouri Botanical Garden. Published online. Accessed: 21 April 2022.
- USDA, ARS, Germplasm Resources Information Network. Neolamarckia cadamba in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service. Accessed: 9 February 2022.