Amblypodia annetta

[edit]Taxonavigation: Papilionoidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Lycaenidae
Subfamilia: Theclinae
Tribus: Amblypodiini
Genus: Amblypodia
Species: Amblypodia annetta
A. a. anna –
A. a. annetta –
A. a. annettina –
A. a. eberalda –
A. a. fabiana –
A. a. faisina –
A. a. obscura
[edit]Amblypodia annetta Staudinger, [1888].
Type locality: Indonesia, Maluku, Bacan.
Syntype: ♂ MNHU; Takanami, 1992: 43.
[edit]- Amblypodia annetta Staudinger, [1888] (19): 281, (18): pl.96; Bethune-Baker, 1903: 19; D'Abrera, 1977: 316; Parsons, 1998: 397.
- Horsfieldia annetta annetta (Staudinger); Riley, 1922: 51.
[edit]- D'Abrera, B. 1977. Butterflies of the Australian Region, edn 2. 415 pp. Lansdowne, Melbourne. Reference page.
- Bethune-Baker, G. T. 1903. A revision of the Amblypodia group of butterflies of the family Lycaenidae. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 17(1): 3–164, 5 pls. text, plates. Reference page.
- Parsons, M.J. 1998. The Butterflies of Papua New Guinea xvi+736pp., 136 pls. Academic Press, London, ISBN 0125455550. Reference page.
- Riley, N.D., 1922. The genus Amblypodia auctorum (de Nicéville, Moore, Swinhoe, etc), nec Horsfield. Entomologist 55: 25-29, 51-53. BHL1, BHL2. Reference page.
- Staudinger, O., 1888, in Staudinger, O. & Schatz, E., 1884–1888. Exotische Schmetterlinge 1. Exotische Tagfalter (1) Beschreibungen. [6], 333 pp. (2) Abbildungen. [4] 100 pls. Fürth. text, plates. Reference page.
- Takanami, Y., 1992. An additional catalogue on type specimens of Lycaenidae from South East Asia, preserved in Humboldt Musem Berlin Tyô to Ga 43(1): 35-46. PDF. Reference page.
[edit]- The Papua Insects Foundation, images.