Aleksey Alekseevich Zachvatkin
Aleksey Alekseevich Zachvatkin (1905–1950), Russian (Soviet) entomologist and acarologist. Brother of Viktor Alekseevich Zachvatkin.
русский: Алексей Алексеевич Захваткин
Also published as: Aleksey Alekseevich Jazykov
русский: Алексей Алексеевич Языков
Taxon names authored
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[edit]- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1924. Eine neue Jassiden-Gattung aus Transkaspien. (Homopt.). Entomologische Mitteilungen 13: 127–129.
[edit]- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1925. Beschreibung einer neuen Art der Homopteren-Gattung Philaenus Stål. Entomologische Mitteilungen 14: 109–112.
[edit]- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1929. Description d'une nouvelle espèce du genre Edwardsiana Jaz. 1929 (Homoptera, Eupterygidae) des environs de Moscou. Revue russe d'entomologie 23: 262–265.
[edit]- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1933. Cicadula-Arten der sexnotata-Gruppe aus dem Nord-Kaukasus. Konowia 12: 47–50.
- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1933. Sur quelques Homoptères intéressants de la faune Italienne. Memorie della Società Entomologica Italiana 12: 262–272.
[edit]- Zachvatkin, A.A. (Захваткин, А.А.) 1935. К фауне цикад (Homoptera–Cicadina) Йемена [Note on the Homoptera–Cicadina of Jemen]. Uchenye zapiski Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta 4: 106–115. (Russian) Reference page.
[edit]- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1937. Deux Zyginidia nouvelles de Turquie (Homoptera, Eupterygidae). Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody, Otdel Biologicheskii 46(6): 317–322, 1 pl.
[edit]- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1938. Un Limnotettix nouveau des environs de Moscou. Bulletin de la Societé des Naturalistes de Moscou, Section Biologique (n.s.) 47: 285–287.
[edit]- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1945. A Chunra-like bythoscopid (Homoptera) from East Siberia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological sciences 14: 2–5.
- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1945. On some European species of Selenocephalus (Homoptera, Jassidae). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological sciences 14: 6–9.
- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1945. New Cicadinae from the region of Kushka. Wissenschaftliche Berichte der Moskauer Staatsuniversität 83: 145–150.
[edit]- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1946. Notes on some Homoptera from Yemen. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 96: 151–162.
- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1946. Studies on the Homoptera of Turkey. I-VII. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 97: 149–176.
[edit]- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1947. Homoptera-Cicadina from north-western Persia. I. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 28(3–4): 106–115.
- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1947. Homoptera from north-eastern Persia. II. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 1946. 29: 77–83.
[edit]- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1948. Novye cikady (Homoptera: Cicadina) Srednerusskoj Fauny. Nauchno-Metodicheskie Zapiski Glavnogo Upravleniepo Zapovednikam 11: 177–185.
- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1948. Cikadina of the Okskiy State Preserve. Nauchno-Metodicheskie Zapiski Glavnogo Upravleniepo Zapovednikam 11: 186–197.
- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1948. Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha-Cikadovyje. Opredelitel' nasekomych evropejskoj casti SSSR. Pod redakeijej S. P. Tarbinskogo i N. N. Plavil' šcikova. 164–182.
[edit]- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1949. II. Vrediteli plodovo-jagodnyh kultur. Podotrjad (Cicadodea) cikadovye. Vrednye životnye Srednej Azii. Moskva/Leningrad. 1949. Pp. 220–222.
- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1949. III. Vrediteli lesa. Podotrjad (Cicadodea) cikadovye. Vrednye životnye Srednej Azii. Moskva/Leningrad. 1949. Pp. 300.
[edit]- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1953. Biologo — sistematicheskie zametki o tsikadinakh sredne-russkoy fauny [Biological and systematic notes on Cicadina fauna of central Russia]. Pp. 205-209 in Smirnov, E.S. (ed.). Sbornik nauchnykh rabot [Collection of Scientific Works]. Moscow: Moscow State University Press. Reference page.
- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1953. Cikadina of the Okskiy State Preserve. Sbornik Nauchnykh trudov. (Collection of Scientific Works). Moscow: Moscow St. Univ. P. 211–223. (In Russian). Reference page.
- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1953. Cicadina from Trans-Volga sand areas, Astrakhan. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov. (Collection of Scientific Works). Moscow: Moscow State University Press, pp. 225-236. Reference page.
- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1953. Faunistic notes on Eupterygidae (Homoptera, Cicadina) from Central Asia. Empoascinae. Sbornik Nauchnykh trudov. (Collection of Scientific Works). Moscow: Moscow St. Univ. P. 237–245. Reference page.
- Zachvatkin, A.A. 1953. Cicadina collected by V. S. Elpatrvskij on the shores of Lake Khubsugul (B. Kosogol.) Collection of Scientific Works Izdatel'stvo, Moscow. Pp. 247–250. Reference page.