Talk:Diorhabda sublineata

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  • This species was incorrectly synonymyzed under Galeruca elongata by Reiche and Saulcy (1858) and removed from synonymy with D. elongata by Tracy and Robbins (2009). Tracy and Robbins (2009) provide keys to separate D. sublineata from four sibling species of the Diorhabda elongata species group.
  • Gressitt and Kimoto (1963) proposed the subspecies D. e. sublineata.


  • Gressitt, J.L.; Kimoto, S. 1963: The Chrysomelidae (Coleopt.) of China and Korea, Part 2. Pacific Insects Monograph, 1B: 301–1026.* Lucas, P.H. 1849: Exploration scientifique de l'Algeria. Zoologie (Paris), 2: 542–546. (In French)
  • Reiche, L.; Saulcy, F. 1858: Espèces nouvelles ou peu connues de Colèoptères, recueillies par M.F. de Saulcy, member de l’Institute, dans son voyage en Orient, et dècrites par M.M. L. Reiche et Fèlicien de Saulcy. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Sér., 3, 6: 5–60. (In French)
  • Tracy, J.L.; Robbins, T.O. 2009: Taxonomic revision and biogeography of the Tamarix-feeding Diorhabda elongata (Brullé, 1832) species group (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae: Galerucini) and analysis of their potential in biological control of Tamarisk. Zootaxa, 2101: 1-152. PDF